Legal Guardianship

Gurardianship is the ability to make important decisions for someone unable to decide for themselves. It can also involve caring for someone and managing their finances. Those who are considering taking on this responsibility should know a little about it.  Guardianship vs. Custody Guardianship is different from custody for several reasons. The main difference isContinue reading “Legal Guardianship”

A Brief Overview of Legal Guardianship

There are times when a child must be placed under the care of an individual other than the biological or familiar connection of mother or father. Parents who are being incarcerated or who have been diagnosed with a serious illness may have to plan for care for their children which they won’t be able toContinue reading “A Brief Overview of Legal Guardianship”

Your Guide to Property Rights

While the Constitution might guarantee the rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness, social constructs of common law, customs, and formal legislation determine property rights. When concerns arise over a piece of property, whether between two private citizens or a citizen and some government or corporate entity, property law and the work of aContinue reading “Your Guide to Property Rights”

When Property Ownership Needs a Legal Defense

A property rights attorney is an advocate for landowners and private property owners. There are various property rights granted by local and federal level government bodies, and when these rights are called into question or infringed upon, an attorney has the ability to represent and defend a home or property owner in a court ofContinue reading “When Property Ownership Needs a Legal Defense”

Prenuptials, Postnuptials, and Divorce: Is There a Correlation?

Kanye sang about them before he signed one with Kim Kardashian. Some of the biggest celebrities in the world have megamillion prenup agreements. They aren’t the only ones who should be signing the contracts, though. Hire a pre / postnuptials lawyer to help you determine which agreement is best for you and how it canContinue reading “Prenuptials, Postnuptials, and Divorce: Is There a Correlation?”

3 Issues Arising From Same Sex Divorce

The changes to LGBT family law have extended benefits to same-sex couples, which for several years now have allowed marriage and adoption of children. However, statistics show that despite being happier and indicating higher levels of intimacy, same sex divorce and separation rates are higher than those who are straight. Family Law Challenges In spiteContinue reading “3 Issues Arising From Same Sex Divorce”

4 Reasons To Go With a Collaborative Divorce Over Traditional Proceedings

Traditional divorces can be messy and complicated for all parties involved, especially children. A divorce collaboration attorney can help to resolve your marital separation in a mutually beneficial way without further damage to your family. There are at least four benefits to a collaborative divorce over a traditional divorce. 1. No Courtroom The primary benefitContinue reading “4 Reasons To Go With a Collaborative Divorce Over Traditional Proceedings”

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